June 2024 News.



 Go to the index on the left and select the Latest Newsletter June 2024.


For information on the Chamber of Engineering Technology (COET) see below. 

Contact Details


142 Celebration Estate

Private Bag  X 33

North Riding



Tel  062 585 7022

E Mail engineer@netactive.co.za

Kindly note that the office is staffed by volunteers on a part time basis.

Messages received are normally answered the next working day.

See Latest Newsletter for useful information.

This Website has the minimum of photos and graphics so as to keep the file sizes small as this assists fast downloading for persons on old and slow internet connections.


About us.

The Chamber of Engineering Technology is a body representing Registered Engineering Practitioners in South Africa. It is an Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) recognised Voluntary Association . ECSA is the South African statutory body which is constituted in terms of the Engineering Professions Act 46 of 2000.

The Chamber is thus an organisation with which ECSA liaises on all matters relating to Engineering Practitioners . The liaison includes education, qualifications, experience and registration matters. The Chamber through its nominated members serves on the ECSA Council, Executive, Education, Registration, University of Technology Accreditation and other committees.

The Chamber is a multi disciplinary, non political, voluntary association not for gain. It monitors engineering education and training standards and cares for the interests of its members wherever possible.

To place the formation of The Chamber and its relationship to the Engineering Council of South Africa in perspective one has to understand a little of the history of the engineering profession in South Africa. Please select the History button in the Index .

The Chamber publishes a regular newsletter, which is sent to all members and certain other  important paersons. Selected summary information from the Newsletter is also published on our Internet Websites.

ECSA Certificate of recognition as an approved Voluntary Association is shown below as a downloadable file.
ECSA Certificate of License for CPD is also shown below as a downloadable file.


EcsaVaCertificate2018 to 2023.doc EcsaVaCertificate2018 to 2023.doc
Size : 1190 Kb
Type : doc
EcsaCpdLicensedBody2021.doc EcsaCpdLicensedBody2021.doc
Size : 2162.5 Kb
Type : doc

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